Home Shopping Why you shouldn’t Buy Volkswagen in 2020

Why you shouldn’t Buy Volkswagen in 2020

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It is always wise to do thorough research if you want to buy a used car. Although used VW can be bought at an affordable price, you can get different models, some have insured warranties it’s good to also look at the disadvantages. Always remember that when the deal is too good think twice. You can end up regretting wasting your hard-earned money on buying a Used Volkswagen for Sale that will bring you troubles and stress. In this article, we are going to look at the top disadvantages of buying a used car, and then it will be up to you to make a decision of acquiring a new model or settle on an old used Volkswagen.

  • High repair costs
  • Higher interest rates
  • Reliability

High repair costs

The dealers can repair the car and make it so appealing to look like a brand-new car, but trust me you are not aware of the repair costs, the reliability, and the economic issues that are attached to it. You can buy the car and it serves you well for the next 1 year, and then it breaking up due to worn out parts.

 This can give you so many headaches because you will start spending more on repairing the car and you will be surprised to learn that you are even spending more than you expected. Here is when you start regretting buying a used car, they say’ cheap is expensive’ it’s when this saying will knock some sense into your head.

Higher interest rates

Another disadvantage of buying a Volkswagen is that used cars interest rates are normally higher when compared to new cars because of a partial percentage of manufacturers incentive charged. There is also a high risk on car financing .new cars often gets a 0% charge on the interest rate but on used cars the lenders normally charge a high-interest rate.


You should note that the older the car the more expensive it gets. This point is drawn on repair costs that come in hand with maintaining the car. This is especially if the car has no warrant and insurance covers from the automakers. This is one important issue why you should know about the car’s history, maybe the number of accidents it was involved, the times it has been repaired and so on. The car may not end up helping you achieve your plans hence not being reliable.


 We have outlined and discussed some vital aspects to consider before buying a used car out there in the market. Used cars, come with high repair costs, higher interest rates and lastly they are not reliable at all. Keep in mind we just mentioned a few, so actually, it’s never a wise idea to buy a used car because it can get more expensive than you could have imagined. If you have enough money, I can advise you to get a brand new model as it can save you large costs as compared to the old and used Volkswagen car.

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