Home Shopping Holsters attachment methods that you should know of or understand

Holsters attachment methods that you should know of or understand

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Holsters can be attached to our bodies in a variety of ways. There is no limitation when it comes to holster attachment. You can choose a method that you feel is very comfortable for you but you should only end up choosing a method that you feel is comfortable for you. Here are some of the attachment methods that you should consider when you are buying your shoulder holster.

The belt attachment

The first attachment that you can consider for your holster is the belt attachment. Belt attachments are considered by many people because they have a slot that is built into the backside. To make sure that your holster is attached firmly, it is recommended that you use a belt loop. The belt loop from your pants can come in handy when it is time to hold the holster in place. You can secure it by running the belt through your pants belt loop then to the holster slot. Just make sure that you have secured the holster. If you are going to use this method, it is very important to make sure that you have a proper belt.

The paddle

Another attachment to thinking of is the paddle. Those holsters with a paddle can easily be looped over your waistband. The paddle will set against your side and the holster will automatically hang over your pants(outside your pants). It is recommended that you wear a belt if you want to maximize performance. The good thing about them is that they can easily be taken on and off quickly enough. They normally come with teeth that hook under your belt. By doing that, you will be making sure that the holster won’t just pop out. Another thing about paddles is that they provide a broader base that perfectly fits against your body. It also makes sure that there is no possible twist when you are drawing your firearm. Although they are beneficial, their downside is that they tend to push your gun or firearm further from your body. That way, it can be very hard to conceal.

Clips and loops

This is another attachment that you can think of when it comes to 1911 holsters. These kinds of holsters are normally wrapped around something. They can be wrapped over something like your waistband. For example, IWB holsters normally use clips and hoops just to secure their holsters to your side. Some can allow you to tuck your shirt in without any problems. It is very important to know that there are different types of clips that are available in the market today. Some clips are designed to be more durable and some are good for concealability. When you are thinking of clips and loops, you should consider the wardrobe that you are going to wear. You should consider whether you will be requiring a stronger attachment daily or a more discrete attachment.

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